welcome to a2z healing toolbox®

Navigating grief and trauma with practical tools and resources

Western & Eastern Medicince

Why consider western & eastern medicine?

Certain Western practices and medications can help alleviate severe grief and post-traumatic symptoms such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, sleep disturbances, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks. Eastern medicine modalities and practitioners also assist in transformative healing by balancing the body’s qi (“chee”) and restoring the mind, body, and spirit. Many cities now have integrative medical centers that have both Western and Eastern doctors, allowing for comprehensive treatment options.

How does western & eastern medicine promote healing?

By calming and regulating the nervous system

By increasing “feel good” hormones such as serotonin and dopamine

By improving the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep

By increasing overall mental and physical well-being

Understanding Acupuncture – Source: Caribbean Acupuncture

“Consider medication when more and more of your energy is getting tied up in trying to keep yourself on an even keel, and attempts at self regulation through relaxation, guided imagery, physical exercise, meditation, and other cognitive-behavioral controls just aren’t doing it for you. Another indicator is when your normal eating and sleeping is compromised, or when you are enjoying nothing and every day is a struggle. It just doesn’t have to be that hard” (Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal)

-Belleruth Naparstek, LCSW



  • Dr. Andrew Weil – Health and wellness, diet and nutrition, health A-Z, research, and videos.


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Susan offers A2Z Healing Toolbox® as a powerful roadmap to healing, one step at a time...