welcome to a2z healing toolbox®

Navigating grief and trauma with practical tools and resources

Your Self Care

Why consider your self care?

Grief and trauma are experienced in a variety of ways: emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, behaviorally, and spiritually. Our minds and bodies can react with shock, rage, fatigue, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, mood fluctuations, isolation, forgetfulness, and loss of concentration. Making time for extreme self care is one healthy way to cope with the myriad of life-transforming changes. Many cognitive behavioral therapists recommend getting a daily dose of the acronym “GRAPES” for optimum mental health. (See the following Single Small Steps section.) Since the healing process is a marathon, not a sprint, it is imperative to stop at self-care rest stations along the way.

How does your self care promote healing?

By reducing feelings of stress and anxiety

By boosting physical energy levels

By assisting the mind with clarity, focus, and concentration

By increasing self-esteem and feelings of self-worth


Handy to Have at Home

  • Bath salts
  • Candles
  • Essential oils
  • Eye pillow
  • Healthy snacks
  • Journal
  • Self-massage roller


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Susan offers A2Z Healing Toolbox® as a powerful roadmap to healing, one step at a time...