Higher Power Help
Because symptoms of grief and trauma can be so varied and so overwhelming, some form of prayer, meditation or ritual that calls upon a “Higher Power” or a ”Larger Force” can aid in healing. Numerous research studies have been conducted linking prayer and meditation with:
- increased levels of dopamine (the body’s ‘feel-good” chemical)
- decreased blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolism
- calmer breathing patterns
- a strengthened immune system
- regaining a sense of calmness and control
Audio and CD
- Soul Meditations by Medium Fleur and Derek McCarty
- Transforming Trauma: A Seven-Step Process for Spiritual Healing by Caroline Myss and James Finley
- Prayer May Reshape Your Brain ... And Your Reality (NPR)
- A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry Sittser
- A Grief Workbook for Skeptics: Surviving Loss without Religion by Carole Fiore
- After This: When Life Is Over, Where Do We Go? by Claire Bidwell Smith
- On Life after Death by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
- Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Dr. Eben Alexander
- Talking to Heaven: A Medium’s Message of Life after Death by James Van Praagh
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Harold Kushner
- Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal (Belleruth Naparstek, 2004)
- God, Buddah, Jesus all by Deepak Chopra
- House of Healing - Christian based healing
How can a higher power assist you in your healing journey?