Flowers & Fragrance
Scent can be used to boost overall wellness and provide a simple, natural way to improve emotional and psychological health. Fragrance from flowers and essential oils promote wellness in a variety of ways. For instance lemon, lavender and jasmine have calming properties while cinnamon and peppermint aide in concentration and focus. Flowers & Fragrance may assist in both immediate and long-term healing by:
- strengthen the immune system
- reducing levels of stress hormones
- decreasing levels of anxiety, agitation and depression
- promoting feelings of happiness and overall life satisfaction
- improving the ability to relax and sleep
- Rutgers: Flowers Improve Emotional Health by Jeannette Haviland Jones, Holly Hale Rosario, Patricia Wilson, and Terry McGuire - Research study findings on the positive impact of flowers on overall well-being. For more articles, visit the "Health Benefits and Research" section of their website About Flowers.
- 101 Essential Oil Uses & Benefits by Dr. Josh Axe - Guide to using and combining essential oils for spa, relaxation, medicine, and home.
- Aromatherapy: Allowing Scents to Heal Us by Julie Chen, M.D.
- Flower Power: The Healing Power of Flowers by the Monterey Bay Spice Company
- Flower Essence Formulas: Powerful Remedies for Times of Crisis by Richard Katz from the Flower Essence Society
- The Home Reference to Holistic Health and Healing: Easy-to-Use Natural Remedies, Herbs, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Supplements, and Therapeutic Practices for Health, Happiness, and Well-Being by Chrystle Fiedler and Bridgitte Mars
- The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
- Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art. by K. Keville and M. Green.
- Sierra Essentials - Naturally scented body wash, candles, essential oils, lip balms, lotions, and soaps
How can flowers and fragrance assist you on your healing journey?