welcome to a2z healing toolbox®

Navigating grief and trauma with practical tools and resources

Higher Power Help

Why consider higher power help?

Because symptoms of grief and trauma can be so varied and overwhelming, some form of prayer, meditation, or ritual that calls upon a higher power, a “larger force,” or God can aid in healing. Numerous research studies linking prayer and meditation with overall wellness have been conducted, including Dr. Andrew Newberg’s How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist. Newberg’s findings conclude that “Spiritual practices, even when stripped of religious beliefs, enhance the neural functioning of the brain in ways that improve physical and emotional health” and “intense, long-term contemplation of God and other spiritual values appears to permanently change the structure of those parts of the brain that control our moods.”

How does higher power help promote healing?

By reducing levels of stress

By decreasing blood pressure and heart rate

By slowing rate of breath and inducing a sense of calmness

By strengthening the immune system




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